Presentations and Workshops


Kim can give a presentations or facilitate a workshop on the following topics: 

1. "First word to published book"

(Kim's personal road of Why and How)   

2. "Themes in Girl on the Edge"

(Identity, self, belonging, alienation, coming of age, developing a social conscious and a moral compass, resilience)

3. "Changes in adolescent behaviour" 

      (Comparing 1960s, 1980s to 2010s)

4. "Writing your memoir"

(How to, why to, and for whom)

5. Memoir Writing workshop 

(Focuses on both theory and skills development-2 hour workshop)

6. "Flying in the sky to drowning in the sea - A Lived ExperiEnce of metal illness" 

(My own five years of living with bipolar 2 disorder, severe depression and anziety)


Presentations and Workshops anticipated audiences are:

·       Adults interested in books

·       Writing groups

  • Teachers

  • Year 10, 11 &12 students (15 years and over)

  • Special interest groups

Presentations and Workshops are on a voluntary basis for around 60 minutes. 

Get in touch: Email: OR    Phone: 0435211522